Coaching Brand Intensive

Confidently tell your coaching brand story

When the story isn’t clear, clients don't pay attention.

Becoming a certified coach is only half the journey. The other half is establishing yourself in the industry and proving your abilities to potential clients. A compelling and clear brand story helps you stand out from the competition and invites your potential clients to engage.

Clarifying your brand story is critical as a coach if you want to expand your reach.

At Better Story Marketing, we understand how marketing can feel overwhelming. But marketing doesn't have to be rocket science, and you don't necessarily need to do all the latest trending fads.

We know investing in your brand story will bring you a return in the form of new and returning clients. With a clear story to tell, you'll stand out in a crowded marketplace, and word of mouth will continue to grow

What's Included?
Brand Script
Clear Messaging Framework
Customer Journey Map
Website Strategy
Brand intensive for coaches
Coaching Brand Pricing

Are you ready to tell your coaching story?

We facilitate the Coaching Brand Intensive so you can fully engage and speak into the story being told.

Our Brand Intensives include a Sketch Session at least one week out to get fully aligned around your current coaching business and future goals.

After the intensive we take all the creative output of the session and codify it into a ready to use messaging framework and marketing strategy.

The coaching field has exploded to include coaches for life, career, business, finance, health, leadership and so much more.

It takes time and intentionality to write a brand story that truly represents your coaching practice and resonates strongly with your ideal client. This process can feel overwhelming or intimidating because most coaches didn’t go to school for marketing and don’t write copy for fun.

But it’s ok. We’ve been studying and practicing this stuff for years and helped many others like yourself.

We get it. Most of us run our own small business, or two. We understand the needs and the demands you face.

Each member in the collective has deep well developed talents combined with broad and diverse skillsets.

We keep it simple.

We've distilled the essentials of effective marketing.

Together we clarify your brand story and then use it to build a messaging framework you can use when communicating every day.

We will deliver a complete marketing framework that you can use to grow your coaching business.

Coaching Brand Intensive

Confidently tell your coaching brand story

When the story isn’t clear, clients don't pay attention.

Becoming a certified coach is only half the journey. The other half is establishing yourself in the industry and proving your abilities to potential clients. A compelling and clear brand story helps you stand out from the competition and invites your potential clients to engage.

Clarifying your brand story is critical as a coach if you want to expand your reach.

At Better Story Marketing, we understand how marketing can feel overwhelming. But marketing doesn't have to be rocket science, and you don't necessarily need to do all the latest trending fads.

We know investing in your brand story will bring you a return in the form of new and returning clients. With a clear story to tell, you'll stand out in a crowded marketplace, and word of mouth will continue to grow

Brand intensive for coaches
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The coaching field has exploded to include coaches for life, career, business, finance, health, leadership and so much more.

It takes time and intentionality to write a brand story that truly represents your coaching practice and resonates strongly with your ideal client. This process can feel overwhelming or intimidating because most coaches didn’t go to school for marketing and don’t write copy for fun.

But it’s ok. We’ve been studying and practicing this stuff for years and helped many others like yourself.

We get it. Most of us run our own small business, or two. We understand the needs and the demands you face.

Each member in the collective has deep well developed talents combined with broad and diverse skillsets.

We keep it simple.

We've distilled the essentials of effective marketing.

Together we clarify your brand story and then use it to build a messaging framework you can use when communicating every day.

We will deliver a complete marketing framework that you can use to grow your coaching business.

1 Credit

Business Card Design
Blog Graphic Set
Custom Icon Design
Single Social Post
Single Print Piece Design + Copy
Single Email Copy
Product Description

3 Credits

Packaging Design
Pitch Decks
Infographic Design
Expert Explainer Article
Landing Page Copy

8 Credits

Design System
Brand Guide
SEO Strategy
Website Mockups
Explainer Video (Stock-Footage)
Video Script
Sales Proposal
Downloadable Lead Magnet
Email Nurture Campaign
Case Study Copy

Find the Perfect Plan for Your Business or Nonprofit

Streamline Your Marketing with Powerful Automation

Streamline Your Marketing with Powerful Automation

Automate repetitive marketing tasks, nurture leads, and drive customer engagement with our robust marketing automation solution.

Time-Saving Efficiency
Automate repetitive marketing tasks, freeing up valuable time to focus on strategic initiatives and creativity.

Personalized Customer Journeys
Create targeted, personalized customer journeys based on user behavior, driving higher engagement and conversions.

Simplify Your Marketing with Everything in a Single App

What if your marketing technology stopped being such a pain but instead felt easy.

Email Marketing
Grow your reach through an engaged email list and close sales with automated email nurture campaigns.

Social Media Management
Plan and schedule your social media campaigns and connect those campaigns to your other marketing campaigns and sales pipeline.

CRM Contacts and Pipelines
Optimize your lead generation process with conversion-focused strategies and tools.

Simplify Your Marketing with Everything in a Single App
Save $$$ Because the Price Never Changes

Save $$$ Because the Price Never Changes

You can save time and money by combining all your marketing apps into one.

A Fixed Price Even When Your Business Scales
Your monthly price stays the same no matter how many contacts or users you have on your account.

Lock in the price the day you sign up
Even if the published rates do go up in the future, you will keep the same price as the first day you started using the Better Story Marketing OS.

Save time and $$ by combining all your apps into one.

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Find the Perfect Plan for Your Business or Nonprofit

Streamline Your Marketing with Powerful Automation

Streamline Your Marketing with Powerful Automation

Automate repetitive marketing tasks, nurture leads, and drive customer engagement with our robust marketing automation solution.

Time-Saving Efficiency
Automate repetitive marketing tasks, freeing up valuable time to focus on strategic initiatives and creativity.

Personalized Customer Journeys
Create targeted, personalized customer journeys based on user behavior, driving higher engagement and conversions.

Simplify Your Marketing with Everything in a Single App

What if your marketing technology stopped being such a pain but instead felt easy.

Email Marketing
Grow your reach through an engaged email list and close sales with automated email nurture campaigns.

Social Media Management
Plan and schedule your social media campaigns and connect those campaigns to your other marketing campaigns and sales pipeline.

CRM Contacts and Pipelines
Optimize your lead generation process with conversion-focused strategies and tools.

Simplify Your Marketing with Everything in a Single App
Save $$$ Because the Price Never Changes

Save $$$ Because the Price Never Changes

You can save time and money by combining all your marketing apps into one.

A Fixed Price Even When Your Business Scales
Your monthly price stays the same no matter how many contacts or users you have on your account.

Lock in the price the day you sign up
Even if the published rates do go up in the future, you will keep the same price as the first day you started using the Better Story Marketing OS.

Save time and $$ by combining all your apps into one.


25% discount

Frequently Asked Questions

What elements should be included in a brand story?

Your brand story should consist of:

  • The problem the organization exists to solve.
  • Why that problem matters to the organization.
  • What makes them qualified to solve the problem.
  • The steps the organization takes to help the customer overcome the problem.

Learn how to write the brand story for your small business or non-profit.

Why is it important to have a compelling brand story?

A compelling brand story helps small businesses differentiate themselves from competitors, connect with their target audience on an emotional level, and establish a unique identity in the market.

Learn how to write the brand story for your small business or non-profit.

How can I make my brand story authentic?

To make your brand story authentic, focus on sharing your genuine motivations behind starting your business, highlight real customer experiences and testimonials, and ensure consistency between your brand values and actions.

Learn how to write the brand story for your small business or non-profit.

How often should I update my brand story?

It's a good practice to review and update your brand story periodically to ensure it accurately reflects your current business values and goals. Certainly, any time there is a change to the products or strategy of the business, the brand story should be updated. 

At Better Story Marketing, we review our story twice a year as a team to ensure it represents us well and connects with our ideal customer.

Learn how to write the brand story for your small business or non-profit.

Should I include personal anecdotes in my brand story?

These anecdotes allow customers to connect with you on a deeper level. This isn’t the time to tell your company history, it’s telling the parts of your back story that overlap with the customers’ stories. 

They can allow the customer to see both why their problem matters to you and how you’re qualified to help them. However, it's important to strike a balance and ensure that the anecdotes align with your brand identity and resonate with your target audience.

Learn how to write the brand story for your small business or non-profit.

What is a customer journey?

A customer journey refers to the complete sequence of experiences that customers go through when interacting with a company or brand. This journey captures all stages, starting from the initial awareness or discovery phase, moving through engagement and consideration, leading to purchasing, and finally towards post-purchase interactions which may include support or advocacy.

The aim of mapping the customer journey is to get a comprehensive insight into different customer interactions across various touchpoints. It helps businesses understand how customers are experiencing their brand, where there might be pain points or areas for improvement, and how they can streamline the process to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Understanding the customer journey is vital for delivering exceptional customer experiences, improving customer retention, and driving business growth.

Learn more about creating a customer journey map for your small business or non-profit.

What are the stages in the customer journey?

The customer journey map should include the following stages.

  • Awareness. How does the customer become aware of your activities? What questions are they asking as they become aware of or try to understand the problem they’re facing? What channels do they use, and are they physical or digital?
  • Consideration. What triggers the customer to consider your product or service, are they comparing it with other alternatives in the market? What questions do they now have? What understanding will they need to be comfortable making a decision?
  • Decision. What concrete choices does the customer make at this point? How are they comparing the options? What factors are most important in their decision? How do they buy the product or service?
  • Delivery + Use. How does the customer finally receive the product or service?
  • Loyalty + Referral. Does the customer engage with your service again and become a repeat customer? How will an ongoing connection be cultivated? Do they introduce others? What channels do referrals typically come through?

Learn more about creating a customer journey map for your small business or non-profit.

Why is mapping the customer journey important?

Mapping the customer journey allows you to understand your customers' experiences, needs, and pain points at each stage of their interaction with your business. This understanding can help you improve your products, services, and marketing strategies to better meet your customers' needs.

Learn more about creating a customer journey map for your small business or non-profit.

How do I start creating a customer journey map?

Creating a customer journey map involves several key steps. Let's walk through them:

  1. Define Objectives: Understand why you're creating the map. Are you trying to improve the overall customer experience, solve a particular problem, or identify gaps in your service?
  2. Create Buyer Personas: These are fictional characters that represent your ideal customers. They should include demographic information, interests, behaviors, goals, and pain points.
  3. Identify Touchpoints: These are the points of interaction between your customers and your business. They could be anything from visiting your website, speaking to a salesperson, or using your product/service.
  4. Map the Customer Journey: Outline the steps your customers take from their initial interaction with your business to the final purchase or end goal. This could include stages like awareness, consideration, decision, and retention.
  5. Identify Opportunities and Pain Points: Look for areas where the customer experience can be improved. These could be places where customers are getting frustrated, or where there's an opportunity to exceed their expectations.
  6. Implement Changes: Use your findings to make improvements to your customer journey. This could involve changing your website layout, improving your customer service, or altering your product offering.
  7. Review and Update Regularly: Customer needs and behaviors change over time, so it's important to regularly review and update your customer journey map to ensure it's still accurate and useful.

Remember, a customer journey map is a tool to help you better understand and serve your customers. It should be used as a guide to improve your customer experience, not as a strict rulebook.

Learn more about creating a customer journey map for your small business or non-profit.

How often should I update my customer journey map?

It's a good practice to review and update your customer journey map periodically to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. Changes in your business, market trends, or customer behavior may require adjustments to your map.

The frequency at which you should update your customer journey map largely depends on various factors such as changes in your business model, introduction of new products or services, shifts in customer behavior, or significant changes in market conditions.

However, a good rule of thumb is to review your customer journey map at least once every six months to a year. This helps ensure that it continues to accurately reflect your customers' experiences and expectations.

If there are major changes happening more frequently in your industry, you might want to review and update your map quarterly.

Remember, the customer journey map is a dynamic tool that should evolve with your business and your understanding of your customers. Regular reviews and updates will help you keep it relevant and effective.

At Better Story Marketing, we review our map quarterly as a team to ensure it is effectively engaging our ideal customers and helping them reach their goals.

Learn more about creating a customer journey map for your small business or non-profit.

How do I get my Marketing OS setup?

After you signup for the Better Story Marketing OS, we'll reach out to schedule and onboarding call. During that call, we'll walk you through the software, answer questions you may have and help you identify any next steps you need to take.

If you have any other questions, feel free to schedule a Marketing Automation FAQ call.

How do I choose a Marketing OS level?

The Marketing OS levels are designed to meet the needs of small businesses, nonprofits and solopreneurs at different stages in their journeys.

If you're just getting started and need an easy way to connect with your growing audience, then Connect might be the right level for you. You'll get essential features around email, texting, a website and social media.

If you're trying to nurture and qualify leads who become customers, then Coordinate has your needs covered. You get a full CRM, calendar scheduling, surveys and expanded website content features.

If your launching a course or building a a community, then Community is what you need. It allows you to create a membership community and host courses for a fraction of what most services charge.

With all three plans, there are no limits on the number of contacts you have or emails you send. If you're still not sure, you can start a 14-day trial at any level and change levels in the future if needed.

If you have any other questions, feel free to schedule a Marketing Automation FAQ call.

What if I want to change my Marketing OS level later in the future?

At Better Story Marketing, we want you to have the features you need to grow your small business or nonprofit.

You can always upgrade your Marketing OS subscription within your dashboard. If you would like to downgrade your subscription, please reach out to so we can ensure the change is made without you losing access to your customer information as some features are disabled.

If you have any other questions, feel free to schedule a Marketing Automation FAQ call.

What's the difference between the Better Story Marketing automation options?

All three options use the same software as the Better Story Marketing OS. There are just different functions turned on for each.


Essential tools to connect with your ideal customers.

Features includes:

  • Automation Strategy Session
  • Email Campaigns
  • Automated Text Messaging
  • Social Media Management
  • Web Chat
  • 2 Way Text & Email Conversation
  • Missed Call Text Back
  • $10 Monthly Texting Credit
  • 14 Day Free Trial
  • Email Support


Coordination you marketing and sales efforts as one.

  • Everything in Connect
  • CRM Contacts and Pipeline
  • Calendar Scheduling
  • Website Hosting & Integration
  • Trigger Links
  • Surveys
  • $25 Monthly Text Credit
  • 14 Day Free Trial
  • Email Support


Grow a community that engages your ideal customer.

  • Everything in Coordinate
  • Courses
  • Communities
  • Memberships
  • Proposals & Estimates
  • Invoicing
  • All Reporting
  • $25 Monthly Credits
  • 14 Day Free Trial
  • Email Support

You can start a free trial at any level and upgrade or downgrade at any time.

If you have any other questions, feel free to schedule a Marketing Automation FAQ call.

Request a Custom quote

We are ready to help you. Get in touch today

Are you looking for something out of the ordinary? If so, let us know and we can explore options to see if it's something we can provide you.

Tell your coaching story in a clear and compelling way to both land more clients and change more lives.

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Ready to level up your marketing? Start today!