Why We Use the StoryBrand Framework

Your message clear, compelling and engaging.

May 24, 2024
Why We Use the StoryBrand Framework

In the digital flood of information, clarity isn't just nice to have—it's crucial. A clear message acts as a beacon, drawing customers in and cutting through the noise better than any witty or creative spin. 

Better Story Marketing leverages the StoryBrand Framework to ensure that your message doesn't just catch ears—it drives action. 

Here's why.

From the outset, my ambition has been clear: to help good people doing good work win

It's a simple statement but one that carries immense weight. In my experience, the world is brimming with purpose-driven entrepreneurs who possess the potential to make a profound impact. 

Yet, despite their best efforts, there remains a disconnect between their incredible offerings and the recognition they deserve. This realization sparked a desire within me to bridge that gap, and it led me to become a StoryBrand Certified Guide.

Clarify Your Marketing Message
Clarify Your Marketing Message

Why StoryBrand Works

Humans are inherently narrative creatures. Our brains are story-producing factories. 

Our brains naturally gravitate towards stories to make sense of the world around us. We think in narratives, we dream in stories, and when faced with something we don't understand, our minds instinctively weave tales to make sense of our experiences. 

If you’re not communicating with a clear and compelling story, you’re making your customers work hard to understand your brand. 

This isn’t mere speculation; it’s a fundamental aspect of our cognitive makeup. By leveraging this innate predisposition towards narrative, the StoryBrand Framework doesn’t just communicate; it connects and resonates on a profoundly human level.

The Stakes Are High

A confused customer is a lost opportunity. 

Many purpose-driven entrepreneurs struggle with this problem. They have something truly remarkable to offer the world, but their story isn't clear to those who would most benefit from it. 

In the modern marketplace, consumers are inundated with choices and messages, making decisiveness harder than ever. If your message doesn’t cut through the clutter with laser-focused clarity and address their needs directly, you risk fading into the background noise.

Recognizing this, I felt a strong calling to fix that disconnect

I wanted to ensure that the value these entrepreneurs bring to the table is not just recognized but celebrated and sought after.

The Better Story Mission

Our mission was born from a simple yet profound desire: to help good people doing good work succeed. We've seen too many purpose-driven entrepreneurs with invaluable offerings get lost in translation. Their stories, rich with the potential to make a real difference, remain unheard by those who would benefit the most. 

We’re here to change that narrative.

At Better Story Marketing, we specialize in transforming your message into one that’s not only clear but compelling and engaging. We believe in the transformative power of your story and are dedicated to ensuring it reaches and impacts your audience. 

If you’re not communicating with a clear and compelling story, you’re making your customers work hard to understand your brand.

By employing the StoryBrand Framework, we don’t just aim to make your voice louder; we strive to make it clearer, ensuring it pierces through the cacophony of the digital age.

Over 5 days, I’ll teach you how to use the power of story through a proven framework to craft the most profitable elevator pitch you’ve ever written.

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Action Plan

Are you ready to transform your message and make your story matter? 

At Better Story Marketing, we’re more than storytellers; we’re clarity specialists committed to ensuring your story not only resonates but results in real-world action. 

If you want to get started, just book a free Focus Session.

Let’s tell a better story together.

Frequently Asked Questions

StoryBrand Framework

What is the StoryBrand Framework?

The StoryBrand Framework is a marketing approach that uses the power of storytelling to position the customer as the hero and your brand as the guide. It simplifies your message, ensuring it's clear, engaging, and effective in connecting with your audience.

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What is the StoryBrand Framework?

How can the StoryBrand Framework benefit my business?

By employing the StoryBrand Framework, businesses can clarify their messaging, improve customer engagement, and increase conversions. It helps you communicate the value of your offerings more effectively, ensuring your message resonates with your target audience.

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How can the StoryBrand Framework benefit my business?

Is the StoryBrand Framework suitable for any type of business?

Yes, the StoryBrand Framework is versatile and can be adapted to any industry or business size. Whether you're a small startup, a non-profit, or a large corporation, this framework can help you craft compelling messages that speak directly to your customers' needs.

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Is the StoryBrand Framework suitable for any type of business?

How does Better Story Marketing implement the StoryBrand Framework?

At Better Story Marketing, we start by understanding your business, your goals, and your audience. We then apply the seven-part StoryBrand process to craft a clear, engaging narrative that positions your brand as the guide and your customer as the hero.

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How does Better Story Marketing implement the StoryBrand Framework?

Can I use the StoryBrand Framework for my website content?

Absolutely! The StoryBrand Framework is particularly effective for website content, helping you create a user-friendly experience that guides visitors through their journey with your brand. It ensures your site communicates your value proposition clearly and prompts action.

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Can I use the StoryBrand Framework for my website content?

StoryBrand Websites

What is a StoryBrand website?

A StoryBrand website is a website designed using the StoryBrand framework.

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What is a StoryBrand website?

How can a StoryBrand website benefit my business?

A StoryBrand website has many benefits but it's biggest is that it converts more leads into customers.

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How can a StoryBrand website benefit my business?

How long does it take to create a StoryBrand website?

The time it takes to create a StoryBrand website can vary significantly depending on several factors.

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How long does it take to create a StoryBrand website?

What are the key components of a StoryBrand website?

The components of a StoryBrand website are very similar to the components of the StoryBrand framework.

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What are the key components of a StoryBrand website?

How does a StoryBrand website differ from a traditional website?

A StoryBrand website differs from a traditional website in it's simplicity and focus.

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How does a StoryBrand website differ from a traditional website?

StoryBrand Copywriting

What is StoryBrand copywriting?

A marketing approach based on the StoryBrand Framework, which leverages the principles of storytelling to create clear and compelling marketing messages.

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What is StoryBrand copywriting?

Who can benefit from StoryBrand copywriting?

Anyone who needs to communicate a message or sell a product or service can benefit from StoryBrand copywriting

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Who can benefit from StoryBrand copywriting?

How can StoryBrand copywriting help my business?

StoryBrand copywriting creates a clear and compelling message that helps your business grow by turning leads into customers.

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How can StoryBrand copywriting help my business?

How do I find a certified StoryBrand copywriter?

Start with marketingmadesimple.com to find a StoryBrand copywriter.

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How do I find a certified StoryBrand copywriter?

Can I learn how to do StoryBrand copywriting myself?

Yes, but learning StoryBrand copywriting is not just about understanding the framework, it also requires practicing and refining your skills over time.

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Can I learn how to do StoryBrand copywriting myself?

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