Lead Generator + Sales Sequence: The Journey from prospect to customer

The dynamic duo of customer conversion

3 women reading sales sequences on their phones

Whether you already have a lead generator and sales sequence you want to refine or your looking to create your first one, we’ve got you covered.

This guide is designed not only to introduce you to the critical components of generating leads and converting them into customers but also to provide you with a comprehensive roadmap for seamlessly integrating these elements into your marketing strategy.

This dynamic combination of lead generators and sales sequences are designed to engage potential customers at every stage of their buying journey, transforming casual browsers into committed buyers.

Clarify Your Marketing Message
Clarify Your Marketing Message

Understanding the Lead Generator

At the heart of any successful digital marketing strategy lies the Lead Generator. 

It's the initial point of contact between your business and potential customers, especially those who might not be ready to make a purchase yet.

What Is a Lead Generator?

A lead generator is anything that attracts potential customers and convinces them to share their contact information. It's essentially a trade - their details for your valuable insights or services.

Examples of Lead Generators:

 Here are ten examples of common lead generators that businesses use to attract and qualify leads:

  1. Ebooks: Detailed guides on specific topics that provide valuable insights and showcase expertise. They're often used to address common challenges or questions in an industry.
  2. Webinars: Live or pre-recorded online seminars that cover topics of interest to the target audience. They provide a platform for engaging directly with attendees, offering valuable information, and establishing authority.
  3. Free Trials: Offering a limited period of access to a product or service. It allows potential customers to experience the value of the offer firsthand before committing to a purchase.
  4. Newsletters: Regularly sent emails that contain industry news, tips, company updates, and special offers. They keep the brand top of mind and encourage repeated engagement.
  5. Whitepapers: In-depth reports on specific topics that present original research, analysis, or solutions to industry problems. They are more formal than ebooks and are used to generate leads in B2B marketing.
  6. Quizzes and Assessments: Interactive tools that engage users by providing personalized results or recommendations based on their answers. They're entertaining and can offer insightful data to participants.
  7. Templates and Checklists: Practical, ready-to-use tools or lists that help users accomplish tasks more efficiently. Because of their utility, people are often willing to exchange their contact information for them.
  8. Free Consultations: Offering a brief, no-cost session with an expert. This can be an effective lead generator in service industries, giving potential clients a taste of the expertise and advice they could expect.
  9. Discount Codes or Coupons: Enticing offers that provide a discount on products or services. Ideal for e-commerce and retail, these can prompt first-time website visitors to make a purchase and provide their contact details.
  10. Case Studies: Real-life examples of how your company has successfully helped clients or customers. They serve as powerful testimonials to your business's value proposition and effectiveness.

Each of these lead generators can be tailored to fit the specific needs and interests of your target audience, making them more likely to engage with your content and take the desired action.

To be successful, your lead generator must deliver enough value that visitors are motivated to share their contact information in exchange for what you have to offer.

A quick not on quizzes. Whenever I’m creating a quiz for a client, ScoreApp is my go-to tool. It allows you to effortlessly build quizzes that provide dynamic, personalized results. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with the Better Story Marketing OS, making it a breeze to follow up and convert those new leads.

The Role of the Sales Sequence

After acquiring new leads, the next step is crucial. You must nurture these leads, helping them understand how your solutions can resolve their specific problems. This nurturing process is where the Sales Sequence shines.

The Sales Sequence is a carefully crafted series of communications, typically emails, designed to guide potential customers further down the funnel, from awareness to decision.

What Does a Sales Sequence Include?

  • Delivery Email: A simple email delivering the primary asset from your lead generator. The subject line should clearly mention the lead generator name. 
  • Problem + Solution Email: Remind the customer of the problem they have and how you will resolve the problem. Explore what’s at stake if the problem isn’t solved to create urgency to take action.
  • Testimonials and Success Stories Email: Describe how you solved the same problem for someone else. Paraphrase favorite customer testimonial and structure like a mini case study (initial problem, what they hired you to do, how things got better)
  • Overcoming an Objection Email: Name the primary objection that prevents customers from buying from you and overcome it by explaining how you address that obstacle. 
  • Paradigm Shift Email: Help the customer think in a new way by giving them a new perspective on the problem they’re facing and what it means to solve that problem.
  • Sales Email: Longer email walking through the key elements of the sales sequence with a compelling invitation to take action.

How to Create an Effective Sales Sequence

There is an art and science to writing a compelling sales sequence that engages and invites a customer along the buying journey. Here are a few approaches  you could take to create your own sales sequence.

  1. DIY: Buy a book like Marketing Made Simple and give it a try writing your email sales sequence. 
  2. Hire Someone: Most agencies, like Better Story Marketing, will create a funnel that includes both a lead generator and a sales sequence.
  3. Leverage a Template: If you don’t have the time to write your own and you don’t have the money to hire and agency, consider adapting a pre-written sales sequence like what we offer in our BrandPacks.

Combining a lead generator with a well-structured sales sequence creates a seamless pathway for nurturing leads effectively. This ensures that when they’re ready to make a decision, your solution stands out as the best choice.

Why This Duo Works

Together, lead generators and sales sequences form a powerful marketing synergy. 

While the lead generator captures the attention of potential customers, the sales sequence works to deepen that interest, educate the prospect, and gradually nudge them towards making a purchase, all while reinforcing your brand's unique value proposition.

Implementing this "Conversion Dynamic Duo" not only boosts your conversion rates but also enhances the overall customer experience by providing valuable information and personalized communication throughout the buyer's journey.

Over 5 days, I’ll teach you how to use the power of story through a proven framework to craft the most profitable elevator pitch you’ve ever written.

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The transition from prospect to customer is a journey fraught with challenges, yet ripe with opportunities.

We've explored the nuances of creating compelling lead magnets, the art of crafting engaging sales sequences, and the science behind moving a prospect through the funnel towards making a purchase. This guide has not only aimed to illuminate the path but also to empower you with the tools and strategies necessary for success.

By understanding the needs and behaviors of your prospects, and responding with targeted, personalized communications, you can dramatically increase your chances of conversion. The key lies in the seamless integration of your lead generation efforts with your sales sequences, ensuring that every touchpoint moves your prospect closer to a decision.

Action Plan

Don't let potential customers slip through the cracks. 

Do you want some help applying this guide and watching your prospects transform into loyal customers?

Schedule a free Focus Session. Together, we can turn the journey from prospect to customer into a roadmap for remarkable achievements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Lead Generators + Sales Sequences

How can I make my call-to-action (CTA) more compelling?

Focus on clearly articulating the value and benefit the potential customer will receive from booking with you. Use action-oriented language to ensure the CTA stands out visually on your webpage.

See the full answer to
How can I make my call-to-action (CTA) more compelling?

What is a lead generator, and why is it important?

A lead generator is a tool or strategy used to attract potential customers and gather their contact information. It's crucial because it starts the process of converting interested parties into paying customers by capturing their attention and encouraging them to engage further with your brand.

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What is a lead generator, and why is it important?

What makes a good lead generator offer?

A good lead generator offer provides clear value to your target audience, addresses their specific needs or pain points, and is perceived as desirable enough that they are willing to exchange their contact information for it.

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What makes a good lead generator offer?

How does a sales sequence work with a lead generator?

A sales sequence is a series of targeted communications (usually emails) designed to nurture leads obtained through a lead generator. It aims to build trust, provide value, and guide leads towards making a purchase decision by progressively addressing their needs and interests.

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How does a sales sequence work with a lead generator?

How long should my sales sequence be?

The length of your sales sequence can vary depending on your industry, product complexity, and sales cycle. However, a sequence typically includes 5-7 emails spread out over a few weeks to nurture leads without overwhelming them.

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How long should my sales sequence be?

Customer Journey Maps

What is a customer journey?

A customer journey is the process that a customer goes through when interacting with your company, from the initial discovery phase to the final purchase or interaction.

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What is a customer journey?

What are the stages in the customer journey?

Awareness - Consideration - Decision - Delivery + Use - Loyalty + Referral

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What are the stages in the customer journey?

Why is mapping the customer journey important?

When you understand the journey, your can meet the customers where they are.

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Why is mapping the customer journey important?

How do I start creating a customer journey map?

Start by defining your ideal customer personas, then map the current process by identify the different touchpoints where your customers interact with your business at the phases of the customer journ

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How do I start creating a customer journey map?

How often should I update my customer journey map?

Certainly whenever your products or services change and at least annually.

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How often should I update my customer journey map?

Marketing Automation

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation is the use of software to automate repetitive marketing tasks. This includes email marketing, social media posting, and ad campaigns, allowing businesses to nurture prospects wit

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What is marketing automation?

Why should a small business use marketing automation?

Marketing automation can save time and increase efficiency by automating repetitive tasks. It can also provide valuable data on customer behavior, helping to refine marketing strategies and improve c

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Why should a small business use marketing automation?

Can marketing automation help with customer retention?

Yes, by providing personalized content and timely communication, marketing automation can help nurture customer relationships and increase customer loyalty.

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Can marketing automation help with customer retention?

Is marketing automation expensive?

The cost of marketing automation tools varies widely, and many offer scalable pricing based on the size of your business and specific needs. Some tools offer free versions with limited features.

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Is marketing automation expensive?

Does marketing automation make marketing impersonal?

While it does automate certain processes, the goal of marketing automation is to enable more personalized and targeted communication by understanding customer behavior and preferences.

See the full answer to
Does marketing automation make marketing impersonal?

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